Youth Mentoring Opportunities for Broward County Residents
Many people are familiar with Big Brothers Big Sisters as one of the best youth mentoring programs in the country, but you may not realize that BBBS offers several types of mentoring programs. Not all Bigs and Littles have the same needs and availabilities, so we’ve created several community-based and site-based mentoring programs.
Community-Based Mentoring Programs
Community-based mentoring programs tend to be unstructured, meaning there’s no set time, date, place or format for your outings. The only “rules” are, Bigs and Littles agree to see each other 2 to 4 times a month for 1 year, and you do things that allow you to spend quality time together.
Our Bigs and Littles do low-cost activities like:
- Visiting a museum
- Baking or cooking
- Doing a craft
- Playing games
- Going for a hike
- Watching a movie
- Touring a zoo
- Riding bicycles
- Volunteering at a pet shelter
- Going to a ball game
- Just hanging out
- Checking out the local library
Community-based youth mentorship programs at BBBS of Broward
- Bigs Inspiring Scholastic Success: Program pairs Bigs (adult mentors or high school mentors) with Littles (k-12 students) who are academically at risk, so they can help them improve their grades and classroom behavior. Bigs encourage their Littles to graduate and pursue higher education or a career path.
Learn more about Bigs Inspiring Scholastic Success. - Big Futures: Big Futures is a college and career readiness initiative designed to equip young people for post-secondary success through career mentoring, education and access to key opportunities. Big Futures embodies a network of programs that help youth graduate with a plan for their future and a mentor whose impact will last a lifetime.
Learn more about Big Futures. - Children of Promise: For children who have an incarcerated parent, growing up presents a whole new set of challenges. One study suggests that 70% of children of incarcerated parents will themselves become incarcerated, especially without positive adult intervention. These special mentoring services for youth help vulnerable youth (Littles) with positive mentorship (Bigs).
Learn more about Children of Promise. - Bigs with Badges: Program aimed at adult mentors who work as first responders. Bigs with Badges help connect police, firefighters, active and retired military, and other first responders with local youth.
Learn about mentoring volunteer opportunities through Bigs With Badges. - Big Pride: An estimated 50,000 youth in Broward County schools identify as LGBTQ+. These youth have unique challenges as they grow up, and the Big Pride program helps connect these youth with mentors who can help them as they go through life. Big Pride is a community-based program that matches LGBTQ+ youth with adult mentors who can help address their unique needs and vulnerabilities.
Learn more about Big Pride.
Site-Based Mentoring Programs
Site-based mentoring programs take place at a specific location near you on a specific day, time and duration. BBBS of Broward’s site-based programs are ideal for first-time volunteer mentors and mentors with busy schedules. Although it’s not a requirement, some of our site-based mentoring programs transition into community-based, especially after the Big and Little establish a rapport.
Site-based youth mentorship programs at BBBS of Broward
- School to Work (Workplace): With the School-to-Work workplace mentors for teens program, companies open their doors once a month to visiting youth, who are matched with volunteers at the workplace.* Local youth spend part of a work day shadowing their school-to-work Big for one-on-one mentorship. The visits are arranged by BBBS of Broward and the hosting company.
Learn more about School to Work Workplace Mentoring Programs. - School-Based Mentoring: BBBS of Broward coordinates two types of school-based child mentoring programs — one for adult volunteers and one for high schoolers looking to become mentors to younger students. Both school-based BBBS programs take place at schools once a week, typically on the same day and time. Bigs might visit Littles at lunchtime, or during other non-instructional periods during the day. Typically, it’s the same place, same day and time each week. Matches can talk about schoolwork, play games, do arts and crafts, read books or just hang out and talk.
Learn more about School-Based Volunteer Mentor Programs.
*While it’s not required, it’s not unusual for site-based matches to transition to community-based matches. Site-based Bigs will be required to undergo additional screening requirements to become community-based volunteers; this includes background checks, interviews and home visits, and in-person volunteer training. Learn more about becoming a Big.
Research has proven that the young people in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program have higher aspirations, greater confidence, better relationships, improved academic performance, and an avoidance of risky behaviors. When you donate your time and money, you directly support the children in your community.
Investing in a child’s future pays huge dividends.
Youth in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward Program*

*Based on our Annual Report 2022